Thursday 13 October 2016

The lightning  strikes all you hear is bang, screaming and the plane malfunctioning. what a great day it was to fly i could see the blue skies but that's what i could see and the all of a sudden pitch black.  

Wednesday 7 September 2016

500 stolen cows

A Canterbury farm is devastated after 500 of their dairy cows worth around $1 million have gone missing. Somehow they stole them and go away these guys are eggs this farmer probably have put a lot of money into his farm and the thefts are dodgy and low life The farm is located in Ashburton and police believe around 20 trucks would have been needed to move the herd. So how did they get the trucks. Pennie Saunders, the farm manager, said it has hit the farm’s shareholders hard. She estimates the cows are worth around $2000 each as they are in calf and have been fed well over winter. They have a herd of 1300.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

blakes 100 word responce

K Bar chocolate goes on sale

Most of you kids are probably too young to remember K Bars. They were one of New Zealand’s iconic lollies from the 1950’s. The Whittakers toffee came in 6 fantastic jaw-breaking, teeth snapping flavours.Well, Whittaker’s has brought the K Bar back. Its newest creation is a mix of K Bar and chocolate.The much-hyped chocolate bars come in three different flavours: milk chocolate with lime K Bar filling, milk chocolate with pineapple K Bar filling and 72 percent dark Ghana chocolate with raspberry K Bar filling.Whittaker’s has even opened a ‘pop up’ shop in Wellington to celebrate its creation.As a throwback to the K Bar’s 1950s origins, the pop-up store has been fitted out to look like an old-school milk bar.The store is white with plenty of bright neon colours themed to the K-bar flavours. The staff are also dressed in the 1950’s theme, wearing pink dresses, pink headbands and white, frilly aprons.The shop is selling the chocolate bars, some limited edition merchandise like t-shirts and tea towels and K Bar themed cupcakes, milkshakes and truffles.

After reading this article, it’s left me wondering about what the shop in wellington looks like. But they did describe in quite well, but not good enough, for me to be able  to picture it in my head eg about what it looks like inside and out. So for me to get the article a bit better and being able to picture it in my head they almost need a picture. The raspberry K bar chocolate I think should not be 72 percent dark Ghana chocolate on the outside. Because all you can taste is the dark Ghana chocolate. It overpowers it and you can not taste the raspberry filling on the inside.So the chocolate should be changed to milk chocolate instead.

Thursday 30 June 2016

purpose: persuade mr elder on why we should get our own tech center
audience: mr elder/ mr moore
lg: punctuation

Mr elder we need our own tech center for multiple reasons 1 because of the old grumpy tec teachers that are there. number 2 the cost wouldn't be a problem because of all they other stray schools that go to tech like st joseph's what's the bet they would like a tray tec center?.

our tech teachers would be marlin and a teacher from st josephs do you think that would be good?.

with this tech center in stratford we will be able to make better things and both schools would make a profit so i think it's a good idea but do you.

Thursday 23 June 2016


S.o.s: 5 clare paragraphs

Have you  ever been to burger king,mcdonald's or any other fatty food places well well you may have ordered something unhealthy or unhygienic. Well here's something you may not have known a worker at wendy's dropped a half smoked marijuana cigarette in a cheeseburger and served it to a customer that would be disgusting so what else could be in your burger buns.

Well you may know mcdonalds,wendys,burger king,kfc and many many more some of the most popular fatty foods are burgers,french fries,pizza,fish and chips,fried chicken and you may even have a craving for some of these. Well in 2001 a lady bit into a sausage and egg breakfast sandwich from burger king as she bit into that burger she chewed and felt something hard in her mouth so she spat it out and sore a half lodged needle tip from a syringe. It had pricked her check lucky she didn't get infected. How did it even get there, how come no one noticed it before it got served to the customer these are some of the questions that have been asked but why was there even a syringe in the kitchen in the first place. They say that fatty food places are healthy hygienic and have regular kitchen inspections well doesn't look like it.

This is about unhealthy part about these places well at burger king do not order the triple whopper with cheese this burger clocks in at a fatty 1,020 and they are also packing in a whopping 65 grams of fat so are you going to order this next time you're there and did you know that mcdonalds the most unhealthy thing there is the chocolate triple thick shake and it has 1160 calories do you know how unhealthy that really is for you.

This will ither make you change your mind

Purpose: create a resource for a  y ⅚ student about how to be s the best version of themselves in y ⅞
Audencia: y ⅚
Lg: use examples from experience to help  explain each topic you right
S.o.s: -use language appropriate to your audience
-use effective and prices language to enhance
As you get to year 7 and 8 you have the role of a leader with the younger kids looking up to you so u must show how good you can be and how well they can be and should be all the time.

Peer pressure
Well peer pressure will be a big the of every one's life what can cause peer pressure having bad friends. peer pressure can get you into bad situations like cops,drugs,alcohol and other stuff. Do get peer pressured into stuff because after you do it, it doesn't feel the greatest so u shouldn't peer pressure anyone ethire.

Some of the leaderships at stratford primary are big the others but doesn't mean you're better than others if you get one of the roles so treat others well and you will be able to keep that role and be a responsible leader in the school but with the role of being a leader your attitude for work and helping must be great so there are some great leaders in our  school this year so you can look up to them and you could be there one day

Getting recognized

Being a leader has its perks like getting recognized for your sports your smarts so you could go for house captain, school counselor and other stuff your teachers will recognize the good behaviour and treat you to working in the corridor going to grab stuff from the printer and other stuff. so if you're a leader it will help you get recognized.

21 june 2016

Purpose: write a report on the build a business experience.
Audience: mr moore,bank manager.
Lg: use structural features that are appropriate to the purpose.
S.o.s:include numbers to add more detail to your report.

Today i'll be talking about how i found the process leading up to market night, what a success market night was, if we made a profit if we can pay back our loan, what went well and what could we change or improve so let's get into it.

The process leading up to market night was hard all the pressure on getting our product ready which was a woulden bath boat,getting our loan which took us ages because of all the stuff we had to figure out like how much etc and we started kinda late so we had to work had luckily we got through it.

For our time at market night it was pretty good no the greatest but still good we sold 20 of them and made a profit of 40 dollars we are able to pay back my loan.

The things that went well was. How much we sold,how much we made that we attracted little kids. We could change a lot like how our stall looked, how much we sold the for, how our prototype looked, sold something else so i think we would have been successful with all, these changes

Thursday 3 March 2016

L.G describe my senses during a specific moment
S.O.S describe each of my senses

I take a stroll down the dark alleyway. I make a pit stop to lite my cigar i take a puff and slowly watch at the smoke exhales from my moth. As the rain drops get louder and louder i start to make my way home throwing my cigar on to the ground and standing on it. The rain starts getting heavier and heavier i think to myself it time to get home as the raindrops drip of my umbrella i get home give it a shake and get in side.  

Thursday 11 February 2016

summer days

melted ice cream dripping down my arm .
tar sticking to my jandle .
the miny waves drag sand and shells pat my feet .
the sun burns my back making my blacker and blacker.