Thursday 27 August 2015



l.g. be able to persuade an audience to my point of view
SOS. - use explanations and elaborate my reasons
  • separate ideas into intro, body and conclusion
  • use features like time connectives, tenses, modal language
  • use paragraphs to group my ideas
  • use precise language that relates to the topic
  • use correct sentences
  • punctuate with caps, full stops, commas and other punctuation.            

they year 7&8 senior social should stay as it is .

firstly the year 7&8 social should be for everyone in the syndicate because the social happens each year teacher enjoy it it's a fun night for everyone apparently you have to learn 12 dances sounds hard but they aren't i don't think.

social is really just a fun night for year 7 and year 8

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